Monday's painting...

...I went into ZenBrush2 app to do a quick simple zen drawing...
BUT, the app said hey we have ZenBrush3 now. So I go to look. It is a paid app, and it has different colours. So, I thought I will treat myself. 

So, now I am frustrated because it's got 'clever' stuff. Which is not really so clever. And this hot hot potch of a painting is me trying to figure out strokes and colours and papers.

I am seriously under-impressed and very frustrated with it. And it has put me in a bad mood...

So this is my effort with it. 


So then I went back to ZenBrush2 and tried to do Popeye asleep on my lap. But I wasn't drawing well by now, not in a good mood with it. 

I will put this in first extra.

Then ZenBrush2 said to me, hey you can import this to ZenBrush3. So, I do, and ZenBrush3 then says, sorry this file is not supported but we can do such and such with this, so I press the button, and the blue background from ZenBrush2 is gone...

So I try another background paper in ZenBrush3, and this is what came up.
And I will put this in 2nd extra. 

I am so not happy, I should have done a painting in Procreate, but I have wasted enough time today. Going outside to blow off my cobwebs now...

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