Bedroom view

Oh What a lovely morning and a busy one. We’re up early (for a change). Mr HB is taking 9 parachutes from the Gliding Club to the Skydiving Centre for repacking then he will come home and take me to our local opticians for my cataract assessment as they told me that if they have to put drops in my eye then I won’t be able to drive for a few hours. Hope this won’t
be the case as i have to get ‘Matilda’ packed up and ready for our few days away to Sth Shropshire tomorrow. Once the parachutes are ready then Mr HB will be taking them back to the Gliding Club which is on the Long Mynd above Church Stretton, an 80 mile round trip - it’s all go.

I’ve back-blipped yesterday’s doings which consisted mainly of starting the blocking and steaming the squares of my enormous knitted blanket.

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