
Phase 1 Day 12. Had another dream last night where I gave in to eating junk food and "failed." According to other people doing 75 Hard, it's normal and although it shakes you a bit, it gives you renewed focus and boosts your drive to win your day.
First workout and first liter done. A lot of people complain about the gallon of water requirement but thankfully it's not a big deal for me. I have been drinking that much and more for years now. The initial struggle for me was giving up junk food but now although I get tempted at times, I no longer get cravings for it. Proud moments include going to the grocery, choosing not to buy the highly processed options and opting for whole food ones instead. Again, although 75 Hard is not a fitness program and even if I'm reluctant to admit it, it did help with making daily mindful decisions and getting used to present discomfort in exchange for future growth.
Photo featured is our backyard. Fortunate to have a mini-oval of pavement where we could walk/run on good weather days. We got ourselves a mini treadmill a couple of months back but I haven't used it even once since at least one workout out of the two required daily has to be outdoors. I do outdoor cardio in the morning and strength training in the afternoon.
Here's to Wednesday :)

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