and through the wire...

By hesscat


The sun was out, it was quite mild, so off we went to Arniston, for a change. In the past few weeks I'd seen a lot of fungi on our walks, so I decided I would collect some blips of them. It started ok, then as I was crouching over one, Arlo came racing over and trampled on them as I wasn't throwing his ball.

So after some hesitation, after some hesitation, there was some deviation to my plans (see what I did there in just a minute?) and I just shot everything that stood out which means having to choose, and I always end up not choosing and blipping them all, well not all, but this is me showing restraint.

It was a nice walk, a little bit of this and that, ball throwing rather than frisbee as Mrs C was off with my car with it inside, Arlo didn't mind, but finding a tennis ball is much harder!

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