Mae'r cloriau ar y concrit - o'r diwedd

Mae'r cloriau ar y concrit - o'r diwedd ~ The covers are on the concrete - finally

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Edrychais i ar yr ardal olaf o goncrit y bore 'ma. Yn gyntaf meddyliais i fy mod i wedi rhy, rhy wedi blino i ddechrau'r gwaith, ond ar ail feddyliau - pam ddim. Oni fyddai'n dda gorffen y gwaith?

Felly agorais i bag arall o goncrit ac yn dechrau gwaith. Roedd bum bag ar ôl gyda fi, ac roeddwn i angen pob un ohonyn nhw - i lawr i'r cwpan olaf o goncrit.

Roeddwn i hapus iawn i gwblhau'r gwaith - o'r diwedd. Gwnes i roi pethau ar y concrit i'w amddiffyn am ddiwrnod neu dau. Mae rhaid i mi glirio llawer o falurion, ond dim heddiw.

Heddiw rydw i rhy, rhy wedi blino.

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I looked at the last area of concrete this morning. At first I thought I was too, too tired to start work, but on second thoughts - why not. Wouldn't it be good to finish the job?

So I opened another bag of concrete and started work. I had five bags left, and I needed them all - down to the last cup of concrete.

I was very happy to complete the work - finally. I put things on the concrete for protection for a day or two. I have to clear a lot of debris, but not today.

Today I'm too, too tired.

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