Poor Bandit Resting

A windy day again, more sunshine and the odd shower.  Fairly cold all day.

Feeling better today, and headed down to see Laura, before heading to work in the airport.  A fairly quiet day of passengers, and with the wind, offshore helicopters got cancelled.  Mam and dad popped by for a cuppa tonight.  Walkies with Sammy, and now feet up by the fire. 

Laura has had Bandit staying over for a few days, he's been through quite an ordeal.  Mam and dad came back from Unst on Sunday, to find him covered in oil, well his legs, belly and lower body.  How he's managed this remains a mystery.  Dad rushed him up to Laura's, and they washed the worst off, but cats and water don't mix well, so the vet was called on Monday, and had to be sedated to be cleaned properly.  A few days relaxing at Laura's, and now back home today.  Hopefully he hasn't ingested any oil, but he's been playful, and acting normal.  Poor Harold is not amused by this, especially taking over Harold's perch!! Bandit at Laura's, in the Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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