Public Service Broadcasting / Glasgow

And so to Glasgow to see our favourite live band, Public Service Broadcasting. Hooray!

And what a day the Minx had lined up. We started with lunch at Citizen, just off George Square, where we met her cousin, Gordon, and his wife Eleanor, who were both charming company. And I had the best mussels I've had in my life (from the Shetlands).

After that we went back briefly to our AirBnB, which was a miraculous find by the Minx, given that COP26 is on and any room for rent was going for a ridiculous price. It was here that I donned my dedicated PSB bow tie that I bought for their Race For Space tour. (It's a while since I've worn one and I had a momentary panic that I'd forgotten how to tie it!)

Then we took an Uber back into town and the Minx was oddly agitated for reasons I couldn't fathom. However, all was revealed when we reached a bar called St Luke's where she had arranged a surprise meaning with my old friend David Callaghan, his wife, Emily, and one of their friends. Man, what a delight it was to see him again and to meet Emily.

And then it was showtime. We arrived at the Barrowlands around halfway through the support act, EERA, who is a Norwegian electronic artist whom I quite like. As is the lot of support acts, she was playing to a mildly indifferent crowd. But then, for her last song, the two founding members of PSB came on to play drums and bass. Immediately, she had everyone's attention. I have to say, in thirty-nine years of going to gigs, it's the single most generous thing I have ever seen a main act do for their support.

Public Service Broadcasting themselves were as amazing as I hoped they would be and let me take this moment to say that from now on I'd like to go to every gig with a Glasgow crowd. They were so into the music, and there was none of that talking during songs that usually infuriates me at gigs. Thus I was fully able to enjoy 'the quiet bit' of my favourite track, 'The Other Side'.

And after that fantastic gig we took another Uber to the South Side, to  visit our friend, Andrea, in her new flat, which is beautiful. Normally I'd have been flagging by this time but she is such wonderful company and we had such a good time that the Minx and I didn't get back to the AirBnB until three o'clock. Way past my bedtime!

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