Snap, crackle, and pop

By marking_time


This is me, waiting to see if I have a reaction to my booster, I'm allowed to leave at 10:08, apparently.

The vaccination centre is in a former school. I love the floor!

With the 100 Day Dress Challenge on my horizon I have been giving thought to my style. "Style" is a misnomer for my wardrobe habits, I dress for comfort and for myself. Having been a wardrobe minimalist for many years, the challenge ought to come easy to me. I buy things that I love, wear them out and grieve when, after years of service, I finally have to abandon them. I have shoes that have been with me for thirty years... these boots are positive youngsters by comparison but must be at least six years old. Showing their age now.

Anyway, I need to get comfortable with photographs of my self and my clothes. There are going to be many shots in my immediate future (if the dress arrives in time).

I am regarding this as my Day Zero; an indicative shot. There will be many such: leggings, dress, /colour/

As an aside: today is grey and miserable and is the first hand-knitted socks day of this season.

I was supposed to bring a sock kit with me but I forgot, so I am filling in my time with Blipping

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