From warm to freezing

Very mild today, so much so that after my trip to the shops I changed from my jeans into a summery dress. We went for lunch with Mr PHL’s brother and his wife after they had visited Rosslyn chapel. Grace was obviously feeling the cold as she had in a thick woolly (not the other word I had typed - thanks to Cor61 for the heads up)! jumper!

Phin was a very good boy at lunch and lay quietly until it was time to leave. I enjoyed a lovely chicken and avocado sandwich with chips (naughty) and a wee slice of banoffee pie (very naughty). I’ve had a ham sandwich for dinner as I didn’t feel like much else.

I’m now snuggled on the sofa with Phin under a blanket, crocheting a few more rows on my scarf and watching the Festival of Remembrance. It was a bit of a family tradition in our house and I have good memories of my mum and dad.

It feels a bit silly to be wearing a summer dress and be snuggled under a blanket but units the best I’ve got for today!

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