Woman Walking

By njoyce06

Molly Got Bad News......

We went to the 30 day checkup.   A\n X-ray was taken and compared to a month ago.    The tumors on Molly had significantly shrunk to operable size.  However, her chest X-ray showed that her right lung is significantly compromised with infiltrates and diseased tissue.  Based on the  amount of change in 30 days, Molly may have 2 or 3 weekrs before she looses quality of life.  
       I have decided not to do further biopsy or surgery.   She is very bright eyed, interested in comings and goings, other dogs, people, and smells.  She is eating hungrily and drinking well.  She plays tag on my bed and barks at me with the game.   we will keep her comfortable and active, for as long as she wants or can.  We'll enjoy a day of a walk or drive, or smell the grass blades and ground for as long as we can.  Tonight she had a dog friend come over and the 3 of the little dogs played with toys and had fun.
My friend took this picture of Molly and I when they were leaving for home.
Hopefull, tomorrow will be another good day.

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