I may be old, but I'm still useful.

I'm referring to myself the old box of crayons. It's the big box... the only way to go.

We have a closet full of games, toys and craft items from when my stepdaughter was younger. You never know when you'll need to entertain a young one or shoot a blip...

You'd have thought I pulled out a gameboy (or insert here whatever is cool these days) when I located these crayons and paper for the kids that were visiting us today. I think I've mentioned before that my neighbor, who went south for the last months of winter, has 3 grandchildren that come with their parents each week to water Grandma's plants. Upon each visit, they come over to our house to visit me see the dogs. They usually stay for a half an hour and I have to say, it's the highlight of my weekend. They are amazingly nice and charming kids (2, 5, and 7 years old). Today, however, they came with just Dad and my husband was home, so the men got to talking. I think they were here for 3 hours. I loved it, but what to do with 3 youngster... I'm out of practice beyond: "here's a cookie" and "sure you can give the dogs treats!" Once all the sharing about their spring-break vacation was over, I knew I had to find some entertainment... Hence, the crayons, a few stuffed animals and a good cartoon on TV. With that, we had a great afternoon. I got the best thank-you picture from Sophia and was thoroughly entertained by Ruby's dancing and Lewis' whistling. I'm so glad we still had a few age appropriate items for a bit of fun.

Everyone seemed to have a great time, as the kids didn't want to leave... so... success. I've never met a nicer family and am still smiling about all the cuteness that occurred. Now I need a nap!!

PS Finally got through all of my computer issues! :) So relieved to be done and have things working! I do hope that all that monkeying around didn't start this mac off on the wrong foot... I love 'new' and get funny about trying to make things stay perfect... (like a new pair of tennis shoes... I'm the one who tries to keep 'em white...) But, nothing I can do about it now... And, hey, it's actually working! So I'm celebrating!!!!

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