Dreary Day Downy

Oh, how I miss the sun! The last few days were so nice. Today it's been cloudy, windy, cold and somewhere between snow and rain... It's hard to get a decent shot of the birds on a day like this, but my neighbors are due back in a few days, so I'm making the most of it. (I doubt they'd like seeing me on their patio first thing in the morning... "Hi guys! I'm here for a blip.. Nice PJ's!") I did get a peanut feeder for a remote spot in our yard... just have to put the darn thing up... The days just keep blipping by...

Anyway, I loaded Lightroom 4 today! :)) I had a brief experience with it last fall on my old computer and it ran so SLOW. Assuming it was the computer not the program, I was anxious to try again. I'm happy to report that it's much better on the new computer! Yay!!! However, you'll have to bear with me. I know my way around Photoshop and Aperture, but I'm a huge novice in LR. Now, of course, starting with sharp, properly exposed images (always the goal) would help... but alas, that was not in the cards today. Damn clouds. I could fix the problems in a jiffy in the other programs, but I'm dedicated to exploring LR for a while and WILL get it right. I tried to go easy on the adjustments... just a small tweak with a few sliders... nothing like looking at an image and saying, "Oh, she has Lightroom..." Hope I didn't go overboard.

With that in mind... For your viewing pleasure, I present, a slightly grainy Downy Woodpecker.

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