Throw Away Society

The meals today had been packed in bags that were more delicate than gossamer which kept ripping. Luckily that tended to happen as soon as I went to lift them so there was nothing spilt. It was also lucky that I had a pack of (slightly better) carrier bags to put the paper bags in should I have to leave them on a doorstep when it is raining. 
I stopped at one point to repack some of the bags and rearrange the delivery stops into sequential order. It was then that I saw all the rubbish.
The boots look new so lord only knows what that was all about.

I managed to avoid any rain. I hope the guy sitting outside doing his painting had the same luck. It certainly wasn't sunny at this point - which is a shame because just along the road is this which a couple of weeks ago with the sun shining through it was magnificent ... marred only by the ridiculous amount of traffic and nowhere to stop.

I really feel sorry for the residents in these houses. There has been scaffolding cutting out the light for months while the roofs were retiled - then last week the scaffolding was taken down from over the windows ... and they put up this really thick polythene and haven't been back since. I think they are going to redo the wall coatings but once again the residents are living in darkened homes.

When I had finished and got home The Cygnet was occupying MY seat and had just finished one of MY yoghurts and grinning like a Cheshire cat.........
Not what I was expecting - not that he was there, but his happy demeanour, after all, he had just had a molar extracted (to let the one below come through).
After having his lunch he was kicked out and back to school - but (and his sister) were back after school as we were babysitting them until Bags got home from work.
It is always nice to see the monsters and get lots of kisses and cuddles.

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