
By Nigel

Deep Fried Bream

When looking through recipes for sea bass on Thursday I came across a recommendation in Hugh Fearnsley-Whittingstall's 'Fish' cookbook for deep frying whole fish without the batter. As bream are a bit shorter and fatter and will actually fit in one of my pans, albeit with the head cut off I though I would give it a go. No preparation bar a few deep scores down each flank and a coating of seasoned flour. 5 minutes at 190°C and the flesh came out beautifully cooked with a lovely crispy skin, as you can imagine.

The bream came from Eddie's, which is where I went pretty much as soon as getting out of bed (it was supposed to be both of us but Jen stayed up longer than she should on facebook and hence didn't make it). I also bought a mackerel, four oysters, a piece of sushi grade salmon and a tray of Eddie's sushi.

The mackerel and salmon made for a sashimi starter (the oysters were eaten in the kitchen as they were shucked with a little wasabi and sriracha). THe deep fried bream served with some noodles made with a recipe from the Wagamama 'Ways with Noodles' cookbook which to all intents and purposes was a mushroom chow mein. All very tasty indeed.

We managed to make it to bed still speaking today, which is a first for this week.

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