
By dunkyc


Following yesterday’s blip there was only one thing for it and we headed straight to church….

….to meet as it is pretty much equidistant from our homes. We had a quick stroll, followed by some soup and marshmallow-infused brownie before I legged it home to begin an afternoon of back-to-back meetings.

A brief break at lunch aside, I’ve worked non-stop, so was glad to switch off and head into town for pie, mash and ale. It’s been very grey and drizzly, so photo opportunities have been scant, but I did capture the church this evening. 

I was intrigued by a sign I saw earlier, which I’m sure claimed that Kendal Parish Church was the widest in England. It seemed like an odd brag to me, but then I’m not familiar with prayer. Maybe width is important when praying?

Anyway, it isn’t the widest in England, but is apparently one of the largest parish churches.

Thank you all for your lovely comments and best wishes yesterday, it is really very much appreciated.

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