Morning Dew

I'm not sure if there had actually been a frost, but the lawn was mostly covered in dew.  I had requested that the lawn was not cut too short and left a bit longer for occasions like this and also better for insects; the bottom part of the garden was left longer!  There were also shadows from the fence posts in the equation.  

I did pop on waterproof top and trousers as I knew it would be a 'lying flat on the ground' shot and headed out with a couple of probable lenses - this was done with the Oly 60mm macro and includes a spider's web; somewhere there will be a pin-head sized spider - the garden is often covered in these webs although they don't show well until low sun is on them - dew helps enormously!

Normally I am a late blipper but I'm ahead of myself today!  The rest of today will be in front of a computer checking SD cards are backed up before contents erased and getting on with some processing - lots of that to do!  With a zoom meeting this evening, I'll be square eyed by the end of the day!

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