
By Mindseye

On the change

……..nooooo, not me lol!!! 

I was awake not long after 6.30 this morning… didn't get up then though, eventually surfaced around an hour later,  lot to do today!

Showered, dressed,  bedding & towels into the laundry, washer on, next was a light fruity breakfast, didnt feel overly hungry, which is not me of a morning. 

Next got out all the ingredients, spices etc. I need to make the chicken karahi for tonights dinner, to take to daughters for our tea.  Realised I was a red pepper short, and a couple of green chillies, put the chicken breast into marinate then popped out in the car to collect my missing items, In and out of Aldi, before 10, looked like it was about to pour down, so i drove round to Costa I had planned to walk, but I didnt have a hood!  Had a lovely skinny flat white, caught up with youngest son for half an hour on the phone, they had just come back from a brief visit to DILs family in Belfast, they had a good trip. 

Todays blip is just some changing leaves in the sunlight……..liked their colour. 

Back home by 11, stir fried the chicken in batches, then the quartered onions tomatoes and peppers, ginger, garlic, 2 whole green chillies, lots of different spices, re added the chicken, then a few ladels of the base gravy I made a couple of days ago, left it simmering for a little while…….tastes good.

By this time it was 12.30, work at 1, so just a light lunch, toasted brown pocket thin, with some smoked salmon and a cuppa…..then up to the office for the rest of the afternoon.  A fairly productive afternoon, getting more into the swing of this working lark now ;-) Had sight of my first full months salary slip, that made me smile ;-) 

Finished work, a quick change, gathered up the curry and a packet and basmati and off I went to daughters. Boyfriend S was already there when I arrived, daughter K was tired, not been sleeping that well for a couple of nights, and granddaughter Em was lay in the sofa, didnt feel too well……despite all that, the curry went down well, Em managed some with rice, liked it, will finish it off tomorrow she said, when shes feeling better.  S took the leftovers for another meal ;-) 

We played a couple of games of rummikub…….but called it a day early, I was back home by 8.300m.   Put the laundry away, did the dishes,  made a brew and treated myself to a skinny bar…..watched Nadias cookery programme, easy watching, and am now ready for bed. 
Haircut tomorrow thank goodness! 

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