Oh, Snap!

Phase 1 Day 21. Progress photo, first liter and a couple of critical tasks done. Tagging along B's shoot today so my outdoor workout will be brisk/incline walking somewhere near their location.
Feeling less anxious and less overwhelmed today. Ate M, our housekeeper, has a fever so she quarantined herself in their place. Despite her not being around, was still able to complete tasks yesterday so it has given me that assurance/that confidence that I am able to do whatever I set my mind to do. Had to adjust my sleep schedule but my sleep quality has not been compromised so all is good.
This is a literal snapshot I took with my mobile, processed in Snapseed. B told me to install it last week. I prefer adjusting colours and other details manually but the app is proving to be convenient. Zenit is working and even has film loaded but we just use it a prop for shoots (quite sad if you think about it as it would have been better off used for it's intended purpose but as T would say, let's brush it off for now).
Here's to you finding something to ignite that inner spark.

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