Jacaranda in flower

Spent an hour this morning sitting in the Micra waiting to drive it forward 25 metres and then go inside the VTNZ reception area to wait while they checked the car for this year's warrant of fitness. No problems found and I was able to head back out to Fidelis. 

A late afternoon jog; one of the longest routes I go on. Two thirds on the roads and footpaths, and the the last part along the beach. Starting at Algies Bay, then Fidelis Beach and finally Southend of Snells.The Tui in a bottle brush tree stayed behind branches and flowers, and the Tuturiwhatu on Fidelis Beach ran fast and at one point adopted a warning posture. A kotare caught a crab in front of me; too far away.

As I arrived back I was struck by the flowers on the Jacaranda. This year there have been many flowers on the plants at the roadside of the house, and we are here to see them.

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