Purple days...

A grey Saturday here in Essex - no rain yet! Back to gardening jobs again this morning and, as always, ended up doing different jobs to the ones I had planned! And now I'm in need of more compost and pots for the rest of the tulip bulbs I hope to plant!  Still a fair few flowers in bloom in the garden, including this osteospermum which has thrown out this new flower!

The tumble dryer - that was 'fixed' on Thursday  - is now suffering the same ailment it suffered before the engineer came out to see it!! The joys! Fruitless attempts to get through on the helpline number so far today so we've taken to emailing instead. .... Hoover products don't seem very fit for purpose in our current experience!  Less than a year old and already failing!

Oh and Southend United lost again last night... will they ever win a game ever again!? I have my doubts!

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