Calon gref

Calon gref ~ Strong heart

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... Daeth Nor'dzin adref heddiw gyda'r newyddion da ei fod ei chalon hi'n gref. O leiaf beth bynnag sy'n digwydd gyda hi, dydy hi ddim yn wan. Roedd Nor'dzin wedi blino ar ôl peidio â chysgu nos Wener felly mae hi angen llawer o orffwys nawr. Mae'n dda iawn ei bod hi'n gallu cysgu yn ei gwely ei hun heno.

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... Nor'dzin came home today with the good news that her heart is strong. At least whatever is going on with it, it is not weak. Nor'dzin was tired after not sleeping Friday night so she needs a lot of rest now. It's so good that she can sleep in her own bed tonight.

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