Little teaser?

She who must be obeyed spotted these on our last trip out to Hazel Dene and wondered how they'd blip. Not too badly I'd say.

"The Fuller's Teasel (the cultivar group Dipsacus fullonum Sativus Group; syn. D. sativus) was formerly widely used in textile processing, providing a natural comb for cleaning, aligning and raising the nap on fabrics, particularly wool."
I knew the gist of that: I didn't, however, know this ...
"Teasel is also considered an invasive species in the United States. It is known to form a monoculture, capable of crowding out all native plant species, and therefore is discouraged and/or eliminated within restored open lands and other conservation areas."

BTW Happy Easter.
Provided you aren't one of those sillies who sacked Christmas in favour of Winter Holiday. If you are what silly, politically correct, label have you given Easter? And happy one of them instead.

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