Happy Thanksgiving

On the left is Elke, Shelly’s daughter. On the right is Elana, Elke’s cousin’s daughter.

We gathered with a bunch of Shelly’s relatives for Thanksgiving. I am so glad I’ve come to know most of them via family zooms during Covid. They are mostly from Elke’s mother’s side of the family, her brother Michael’s children and grandchildren. We had a great time together.

I am so filled with gratitude for the good fortune I’ve had in my life. I like having a day to think again about my blessings. Shelly is right there on the top of the list along with my family and friends. I’m lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. And I love that both of my brothers and my step-daughter live nearby. I’m thankful for all the animals I’ve known and loved especially my cats Mehitabel and Cory. I love living where I do in a city filled with cultural richness and surrounded by beauty. I’m so lucky to be part of a community of artists who love to create together. Life is good.

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