Escaping the snow

We got off early for the long slog down the A1 and A14 to East Anglia. Luckily Ms Google redirected us from long hold-ups on the A1 and we made it to Southwold in Suffolk in 7 hours.

When we first moved to Suffolk in 1983 I did an OU course and met Jennie who had recently moved from the Netherlands. Her husband set up a business here which became very successful and now they not only have a beautiful home in Suffolk but also they have a house in the Netherlands (since Brexit with an intension to move there but as their children and grandchildren are British they use it for holidays only and have decided against moving back) AND a holiday place on the coast. Their son persuaded them to rent it out for holidays. Jennie very kindly offered it to us as it hadn’t been let out this week.

It’s in a quiet cul de sac just off the main street and a few minutes walk from the sea. As soon as we’d unpacked the car and turned on the heating we went for a brisk stroll along the prom to the pier, passing this Adnams pub on the way. Adnams is a well-known and loved beer. We’ll have to avail ourselves of the opportunity to buy some for Christmas presents.

We were lucky to get away as friends at home tell us the snow is heavy and the winds strong. #2 daughter is hoping to get to Manchester tonight to meet her uni friends - last I heard the trains she was waiting for were cancelled - she was needing to get to York then changing to the silly little chugging trans Pennine. So much for the Northern Powerhouse which as far as this Government is concerned seems to go as far as Birmingham. That’s not even the Midlands to us. It’s the south.

Stay safe - worrying news about the new Covid variant.

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