Awesome Avocado

Our trees are loving the rain we've had; this is an avocado we grew from the seed of a Portuguese one we ate, it's growing like crazy, but expect it'll be a few years before we eat any fruit... if frost doesn't kill them. 

Well, the cats are now registered at the vet, but they'll only do their pre-op on Monday, and the op probably the next week. At least we know they're not pregnant. And they behaved very well.

- planting some bulbs, in a pot, couldn't face digging up more huge stones to plant them in the ground
- enough sunshine for electricity to run our new cement mixer (in extra); I was Mike's labourer, filling the mixer: ten shovels of gravel, ten of sand, one bucket of cement, less than that of water
- that we're not expecting kittens, it was worrying me!

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