Freezing in your Frigidaire

I went all bake off today.

I watched Saturday kitchen, followed by Nadia.

I was inspired by the Roulade made by one of the guest chefs and set about that.

One meringue in the bin I started again because it was to be hazelnut praline and I had made the praline while the meringue was burning.

Second Meringue was fine, praline applied and then I rolled. It was acceptable.

With the excess egg yolks I made an egg vanilla custard which I brûléed tonight.

Then I made the lemon shortbread.

Then I had to rest.

I was tired.

Si was tired… he was painting the bathroom ceiling, and grouting the tiles he had put up on Friday.

His arms were killing him from working with them over his head.

So the two of us have lain like the laziest of lazy people from about five….



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