The rest of forever...

By DrMac


I'm trying to do my latest assignment for my Photography Degree. I've lost my mojo for the course so it has been a bit tough...and today I was trailing around Lincoln trying to find buildings and spaces to photograph. It really wasn't happening. So I gave up. And bought some new G Star jeans!

The day started well enough, I woke early with a busy brain, walked the dogs and then went training. Paul and I had a nice cuppa in a posh cafe and then he shopped whilst I went on the hunt for buildings. We then went to my new school building - if it all goes to plan, I will have a listed building for a UTC. Fancy pants.

Came home via Doddington to buy some lamb as Q is coming for dinner. Home for a late lunch, did some Uni work, walked the dogs and now Paul is cleaning and I need to find an event to attend so that I can get some photos taken. Otherwise this course will take forever...and now I have a new job to get my teeth into, this course has to come to a close! ;0)

And the lamb and maybe a little red's not helping me get fit or lean, in fact it's making me wobble. EEK!!

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