
Early start this morning. One of my wildlings had me up at 4am. They went back over. I had my soup cooking by 5. 

I walked into town this morning with the Jedi. It was quite slippy in places. But we were going to his playgroup. He has a great time there, he is into absolutely everything. Including climbing on the tables. Kind of stresses me out that he's the only one that does this. But it's a good group and we will go back next week. 

I got a email while we were there to say that Harp needed picked up from nursery as the pipes had frozen so there was no heat and water. Thankfully Simon got a call because I don't really get good phone signal and only noticed before he came to pick us up. 

I'm on babysitting duties again for my sister. So dinner is cooking away and it's another early blip. I'm getting weary on my feet so I'll have a few more coffees before Mr R gets us later. At least I've burned quite a few calories today pushing the double buggy in the snow to get too my sister's house. 

I really like the shot of the Jedi in teacher mode :-) . I have him a 5in 1 drawing board for his birthday. How is my baby going to be two in a couple of weeks. 

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