Happy Birthday!

Cloudy, chilly but warmer when the sun periodically popped out from the clouds. Today was our BIL’s 65th birthday. We got up by 7:30 so the men could go to New Martinsburg. We had lunch when they returned and then all went shopping. I found some extra stocking stuffers for the adults. My sister and I found the perfect shirts for watching the kids’ outdoor winter sporting events. We treated our BIL to a steak and ribs birthday dinner. My sister treated everyone to a DQ blizzard right before we returned to the farm. Sugar got a pup cup. Once we put away our treasures, it was time to open his gifts that we’d staged on the antique sleigh and to enjoy his birthday cake. Sugar helped her Poppy. Our BIL said he had a memorable and fun day. Thanks for the visit. Hope you had a great day too. “There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know. “ - Lewis Carroll

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