Doing Well, Thanks

Last Spring I rescued a number of goldfish(?) from a bad situation at the DogPark pond. Long story short..we had had a lot of rain and the pond had overflowed it's banks. A bunch of these goldies had been trapped in a puddle with no way to get back home. Since I carry a fish net and bucket in my car of course, I was able to get most of them back into their pond before the puddle dried up. As a 'reward' for my good deed, I 're-homed' about twenty or so of the bright orange fish and introduced them to our small pond. Ten of them remain and have grown considerably larger in the months since. This is a photo of the largest, she's maybe 6-7 inches long, and her buddy; the only black marked one. I don't know how long they will survive since their bright color makes them easy prey for hungry birds. Our native fish are a grayish-silvery color which makes them less obvious from above. 

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