Pinch punch first of the month…

Hi Everyone,

Went out last night and managed to not fall over – haha. One down two to go…

Up early and did some maintenance / housekeeping with the YouTube channel. Then went to the tip and booked next week’s visit there. One the way to the tip I posted all my Christmas cards… 

One of the jobs I applied for I got a response saying they had posted the job posted in error and they have posted the correct one, when I looked on their website it was not there. I contacted them and they said it will be there eventually so check each day.

Went to the optician and they confirmed my suspicion that I am as blind as a bat, I have now moved into the realm of needing to wear glassed all the time. New ones should be here in a couple of weeks’ time. 

Spoke with my daughter, all on track for her return in two weeks, although we have made a few plans to whiz her home quickly if the US goes on the red list.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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