No one can say I’ve lost control…

Hi Everyone,

I cannot remember if I told you I have ordered some logs for the wood burner… Far too late really but nevertheless they are coming on the 21st December… my daughter will be home so can help with moving them to the area I store them.

New video day yesterday and it went down well… I have very low expectation and just hope for 250 views in the first week but managed to get that in the first day which is pleasing. I do have a plan on how to bump the add revenue up a little but am not going to implement that until the new year…

This afternoon I managed to get a very basic website up and running. It’s rubbish now but over the next month I will keep tweaking it. The purpose is to showcase the engineering stuff that is away from social media, however it will show mostly the content on social media, slightly weird I know but there is some logic there somewhere.

The hospital physio people phoned about my appointment in January regarding my hip and have moved it forward to 14th December which is great news. 

Out and about tonight… so hopefully no falling over.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more tomorrow.


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