Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


It's that time of year again!

For the past few years, my friends and I have participated in a Secret Santa activity with a difference. (I've Blipped about it each time it has come around.) There are eleven of us taking part this year, so each of us has bought or obtained 11 identical items, kept one and sent one to each of the others.

By the end of October each of us then had an identical selection of random items from which we have to create 'something'. This creation is then sent to the person who was drawn as one's Secret Santa recipient. The deadline for receiving our gifts is 15th December.

When we all get together on New Year's Day (in person or online, who knows?) we'll bring out our gifts and have a good laugh at what we have each received. Although we vote to pick the 'best' item, the real fun comes when we try to guess who made each of them and then 'compare notes' on our different approaches.

Today was the day I thought I'd make a start on my creation. First step was to lay my random items on the kitchen table (photo above) and try to come up with an idea with what I might craft from them. A bit of glue here, a bit of spray painting there, some slicing with a Stanley knife, much head-scratching and several mugs of coffee later and I'm really not much further forward. But, hey, I've made a start.

Scarily, three of the Christmas Crafters have already completed making their items, according to our WhatsApp group. On the other hand, at least two others have admitted to not having started on theirs. Every one of us, though, keeps asking why we put ourselves through this every year!

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