
By emmacooperx

Half 10 - A question of time

What a busy day (well, relatively speaking anyway!) Woke up early (9.30 is early when you didn't go to bed until 2 and nearly got accosted by a man asking you for directions on the way home!) and went to meet Libby and Dan at the market. We went to the really cute coffee shop opposite College LaFayette and ate pain-au-chocolat. Next we visited Shadi and Rebekah at their place as Shadi had some Belgium friends visiting. Though plans for the day were shaping, I already had plans as I was going to Polignac with Maryline and Florimande to do a chasse aux oeufs. Unfortunately it was raining rather a lot so I wasn't all that content to go. We got a little bit soggy and the castle wasn't really all that interesting as the only part that isn't ruins was closed for the day.

I was pleased to get home and have a long, warm bath. After tidying the flat a little bit, I went over to Shadi's for dinner of lentil salad which was surprisingly lovely. Shadi's Belgian friends were so great and we ended up playing pyramid and other drinking games. This is my belgian cherry beer. But when drinking starts at 6pm, you tend to get tired before you make it out of the flat. Our plans to go dancing were put off for a night in. I ended up staying at Shadi's, not wanting to walk home in the rain, and enjoying the company. I didn't sleep well, at 4 am I had a little bit of reflection time in the kitchen on my own. It's safe to say getting up at 8.30 the next morning was not easy!

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