Every Picture Tells A Story (WSCD Day 13)

On the S-Bahn  all were masked until these two got on .
They refused to keep the rules  re wearing a mask safe in the knowledge 
it can't be policed .Normally I don't take images as It's frowned  on . 
One case where I don't give a ----- -.On leaving I had to get a bus where a teenage girl said she couldn't wear a mask .I left the bus and got the one behind .The glasses I blipped today, along with a crazy sticker of an anti campaign.-- There are none so blind as those who cannot see .
Germany has many metaphorically "blind" and they are making life hell for the decent  Until these encounters the day was wonderful .Sunny , freezing and lots seen...Only mandatory vaccines will sort this out. Restrictions mean zero if they cannot be policed and they can't . Berlin is not a village  Few cities are .Tonight protestors are rioting in Munich. .

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