Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

The look of concentration

I had such as bad night I didn't know whether to call 111 or 999. I did neither. I knew what I needed to do and did it but in the middle of the night when you feel so poorly everything always feels much worse.

I eventually got to sleep.

Merlin woke me up at 7 as that's morning wee, poop and breakfast time. I went straight back to bed and slept until about 11.30.

Mr Mouse needed to go to the supermarket so I crawled down with some paper and scissors and told little mouse we were going to do something magic.

I proceeded to show him how to make paper snowflakes.

I forgot how much mess you can make when making paper snowflakes, in my head it was quiet, not messy and easy.

Why does my head constantly lie to me about crafting with a small thing? Lol

Still it kept him entertained.

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