Blowin' in the wind

Not a bad day, tho' there's a chilly wind a'blowin'. It's rather annoying - I  dress up warm to keep the wind out on my way downtown, and walking back up with the wind behind me end up roasting!

I walked to Tesco to put up a poster for our next Scottish Wildlife Trust talk on the 16th, and was surprised to be told that they were doing no poster advertising 'because of COVID'! I can't think why, as the library put one up and a local newsagent too. 

Not a great day for pictures, but as I walked back from the library a shaft of sunlight lit up one of the 'cabbage palms' in Station Square.  The harbour is behind the wall. I shouldn't call it a 'cabbage palm' of course, as it's neither a cabbage nor a palm! Cordyline australis then - every seaside town must have some! They replaced a few rowans which weren't liked apparently - a shopkeeper complained that the leaves blew into his shop! Ah! Shame!

Off to see Andre Rieu's Christmas special at the cinema this eve!

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