Dog Day Afternoon

After a lot of running around getting stuff from the builders yard I had a totally great time over the field with Hollie dog. That dog lives in the moment, and does not stop. She is like the Duracell bunny!

Driving home I saw instances of idiocy which surprised even me. A woman applying lipstick with one hand, using the rear view mirror. And as an afterthought she was driving a car with the other. 

Then almost straight after that another clever soul driving at high speed single handedly whilst filming herself with a mobile phone in the other hand. I could actually see the image on the device in her hand. 

You do see some idiots when you are driving around. 

Had a good laugh listening to Tim Vine being interviewed on Radio Five Live. I laughed out loud. Funny guy... 

... " Some people have an extreme aversion to Christmas Grottos... They suffer from Santa Claustrophobia.." 

Ho ho hum, bye! 

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