Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Seasons Eatings

Starting to get somewhat annoyed by the bullshit weather. It's cold and windy today and so I've turned to the kitchen for a blip.
My wife often comments on how truly miraculous the complete one-eighty in my dietry habits has been since we first met, and when I think about it it's proof that if I can do it, pretty much anyone can. My diet used to be an absolute disgrace and I rarely gave fruit and vegetables the time of day - these days our house looks more like a greengrocer's!

Fruit can be quite expensive in Korea, and you also notice the seasonal aspect much more than you would back home. Also, as with several other areas of life in the Hermit Kingdom, choice - or a lack thereof - can also be frustrating. You can get hold of other 'exotic' produce, like avocado or mango, but it's unbelievably expensive - as are the regular fruits when it's not their 'season'. I can't live without a regular supply of avocados so we buy them in bulk online, and barring the thick-skinned, large-stoned black grapes that come along in summer (I hate those things) most of the fruits that do the rounds each season are delicious.

'If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change'
- Wayne Dyer


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