
By Hillyblips

You Want it, You Got It

Roxy coming in tonight in the glare of the lights.

Moving things around again to tweak the shot in some respects didn't work tonight and in some it did. Taking the light further away meant the speed slowed dramatically in the pitch black but on the plus side Roxy did take his time. Not slow by any means but careful enough with his food to hold it for those few crucial seconds before turning rapidly away onto the lawn. 

It was still tricky trying to get his body and his reflection all together as the pond itself isn't that big, I am behind glass and the glass dining table is annoyingly in the way and I can't lift it. 

I tried a wide angle lens lying on the floor but soon abandoned that and resorted to the 300mm on a tripod set fairly high to get the water in shot. Having messed with the lights outside I forgot to put them back in their original position and wondered why my speed was incredibly slow! Doh! 

Christmas cooking is now well under way and the cranberry sauce with port smelt deliciously festive this afternoon.

He is getting more used to what's what and I did wonder if tonight there were two very similar foxes coming in. Never together but coming in at different angles but not to say he isn't trotting round the shrubs for a different take.

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