Deacon Blue

Always loved Deacon Blue favourite being Real Gone Kid cos you can dance with abandon and punch the air! It was a great feeling being at a music event again. I know I was at Beauty and the Beast but it was different vibe.

So busy today with shopping, shift at Vaccine Centre then the concert (which was in our local Horsecross concert hall).

There was a nasty piece of garbage who I took up to one of the nicest vaccinators Mike, a retired GP , who is volunteering his services! As I took this guy up, middle aged, well dressed, with attitude, as he scrutinised the information sheet on the Pfizer , asking me what the vaccine was, I said Pfizer, we are only doing Pfizer, then he says that it doesn’t mention Pfizer in the sheet, I again said it’s only Pfizer, therefore a Pfizer sheet we thankfully arrived at Mike and I mentioned to him that this gentlemen has some questions on the sheet (and more). Afterwards Mike gestured to me to speak to and said he had the most unpleasant experience with this guy. When Mike pointed out the last page of the sheet where it was mentioned the word PFIZER, he had the cheek to say in a nasty voice that he hadn’t reached that then, he should have been given time to read it. He wanted the Lead Vaccinator over to speak to, as he wasn’t satisfied with Mike’s expertise (a retired GP), he said he calmed him down but he moaned about the queue seating, saying it wasn’t far enough apart (b*llocks) and then nasty about the whole set up, Mike asked him to sit for for 15 mins on the seats at the top of the room but he swore, then stormed out!!! Mike spoke to him calmly saying he was a volunteer and didn’t need to deal with this level of abuse. My god he is such a lovely guy why do people treat folks doing their best to help so nastily???? I really don’t understand it and have no patience with them I feel my insides getting inflamed with anger!

Anyway, the majority of the folks coming are lovely and we can have some bants with others which makes the shift worthwhile.

Then later it was Deacon Blue and the happy feelings were In full flow - Ricky Ross was in good voice and great rapport with the audience. Had a good dance to the fast numbers and of course a singalong. Vaccine passport shown on arrival but all went smoothly. Great night!

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