Desmond takes a trolley to the . . . . .

. . . . . Black Lynn and chucks it in!  (Apologies to John Lennon and Paul McCartney!)

Walked down to the doc's this afternoon for a flu jab - my appointment was scheduled for 2.09. On the dot. There was a long queue and I had to wait outside for at least 10 minutes! 

When I finally got in at 19.49 minutes after 2, the nurse asked if I would like to have a shingles jab too. What could I say? If someone asks you very pleasantly if you would like a free injection, what choice do you really have?

Afterwards, staggering under the effect of the various chemicals fighting in my bloodstream, I walked over the Soroba Lane bridge on my way to Tescos. One solitary duck looked up hopefully and by the look in his eye I could tell that he was pleading with me to take the two trollies out as they were getting in the way of his daily swim. When I got home I emailed a friend and asked if he would meet me sometime with his grapnel - we've done it before and make quite a team!

I can't deny that I would love to see the look on the Tesco trolley-man's face when he arrives to push the trollies back to the supermarket and finds a couple of rusty, smelly, weed-encrusted trollies sandwiched among the rest!

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