Baked Boursin Soup (a partial success)

Currently, perhaps the most unfulfilling aspect of my life is catering for Abi. Her customary response to the question "What do you fancy for dinner?" is "I don't mind!" but the truth, chums, is that unfortunately she does.

By the end of the day, my desire to cook is minimal and, given half a chance, I'd live off pizza during the week. This, though, would not be acceptable. In fact, the regrettable rule of thumb is that the more effort is involved in preparing a meal, the happier Abi is. And I like a happy Abi.

Ever sympathetic to my plight, the Minx sent me a TikTok*, this morning, that displayed an apparently simply but delicious meal on the grounds that Abi might like it. And it did look rather good and, crucially, fairly simple.

In short, you need to chop up an onion and a couple of peppers, plus a load of tomatoes (I used about twenty largish cherry toms). You pop all that in a roasting tin with a head of garlic bulbs and a whole Boursin cheese. Then you should liberally apply salt and paprika, plus a teaspoon or so of dried basil. Then drizzle olive oil all over the top (I suspect I used a bit more than the recommended four tablespoons).

All of this then goes into an oven at two hundred degrees for forty minutes.

Once this is done, you need to squeeze the roasted garlic out of the head, back into the mixture, and then purée the lot. Serve in soup bowls with torn basil and soured cream, plus some rolls and butter on the side.


For a start, this would not serve four. Not unless they'd already eaten. Plus, it's more of a paste than a soup. On the upside, it was very tasty, although Abi said it was a bit too rich. I will try this again but next time I'm going to blend it with a pint of hot vegetable stock (or chicken stock if Abi's not eating). Any further suggestions are welcome!

*If you don't know already, forgive me; I'm not going there.

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