Stamped and Sealed

But not yet delivered.  That will be tomorrow because I ran out of these.  I think I put on too many, but I've heard that what is enough for us is sometimes not considered enough in the destination country.  That is strange, if it's true.

A much better day, in any case.  Some gaming, some supermarket errands, some housework, some MOOCking.  I had to pick up an order at the UPS pick-up point as, apparently, they no longer deliver small stuff door to door.  Or maybe large stuff, too.  Thursday online bridge for AW, but no tournament, so he played with a random player at the site.  Late in the afternoon, I thought I'd mail the first batch of cards out, and then realized, on my way to the mailbox, that I hadn't written our address at the back of the card.  For international mail, a no-no.  For local mail, not an issue.

We did have some sun in the morning, an hour or two.  Things falling into place as the year is winding down.

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