Forced Nostalgia

Strava Day 194/75 Hard Off Phase Day 12.  Three liters, reading and brisk walking is done. Not feeling so good today but managed to get ready for a strength session at the gym. Even if it is colder today, made myself take an ice bath as it is the recommendation for sore muscle relief apart from stretching.
Yesterday's reading made me remember that time I travelled solo to Batanes (group of islands in the Northern part of the country). All I had was a Lonely Planet guide, a couple of other books and an outdoor hiking type of backpack. The only camera I had with me was an action sampler and a 3mp phone camera. Went to one of the apparently secluded beach spot featured in the travel guide, assuming I could leave anytime. Internet was not yet that widely available 12 years ago. Social media was just recently introduced so travel then was a different experience: just appreciating views, getting lost, possibly making several memories without the need to share it to hundreds/thousands of virtual strangers. But I digress: For more than a couple of hours it was just me, nature and the massive waves on the beach. No sign of civilization and no idea whether a vehicle would even pass by so I could return to the town proper. Had to inevitably entertain existentialist thoughts. At that moment, I was a little afraid to be just washed over by waves and never found but at the same time, was comforting myself with the thought that at least I have lived fully and loved to the best of my ability.
This book in the photo was among the books I brought with me then. It is "The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas" of which the 2008 film "Edge of Love" was based. It has been 12 years and it is just gathering dust on the shelf thus am making it my mission to finish this before the year ends.
Have a good one. :)

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