Fortunately the view out of the bedroom window was spectacular because it deteriorated once the sun was properly up and then the morning went to pieces again.

Mum fell over again this morning and although, thank goodness, she seems to be OK, all the to-ings and fro-ings  and phone calls between us all and Mel threw all other arrangements into disarray. I'll be trying to get as much done as I can just in case I need to head south. Sister R, who lives much closer, has a dreadful cold and is still waiting after 4 days for PCR test results, and anyway is supposed to be going to Devon tomorrow for a few days. R's husband, a retired GP, will go in this afternoon to do a few jobs on R's behalf and let us know what he thinks and we'll take it from there. Mel, as usual, is just brilliant, got to Mum within 10 minutes, checked her over, got her up and walking, and then back into her chair with a cup of tea, but she wasn't even supposed to be there this morning and can't be there all the time.

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