Cottoning on....

I was the only one up this morning - no school, no college and no work for the rest of the troop. It was a lonely start to the day.

Work was the usual early days in the month board reporting - entirely predictable with little out of the ordinary.

This evening was a table top at the club with 4 separate tables set up. I did a session for a group on focus stacking which is where this image came from. Nothing to shout about image-wise, just a technical exercise to create a macro shot that was in focus front to back. I had a group of six people watching how to create the image, firstly manually (in both PS and in Helicon Focus) and then using Helicon Remote to control the image taking and Helicon Focus to render the image.

Lits of wows and oohs as the image appeared from the 15 used to create it.
The secret to success is using a consistent method to create the images. The software only aids the process, it doesn't create the photo for you - you, the photographer still has to set up, control the image taking etc, and then use the software to create the final image. It's nothing that can't be done in other ways, its just an awful lot quicker to do.

Normal service to be resumed tomorrow!

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