
Mono Monday challenge "festive" - I found it difficult to show festive as mono, as festive to me is colours and twinkles.
However, I'm always up for a challenge - this morning I went early and did my supermarket shopping then called into my favourite gift shop.  Every year I give my grandchildren a Christmas decoration, with the idea that when they leave home they have a box of decorations for their own trees.  I'm not entirely sure this will happen but the thought is there.  
Anyrate, back to the blip today.  The decorations were beautifully gift wrapped, if you can imagine a lovely gauze red ribbon and a smaller silver sparkly rope/ribbon.  They are intertwined and look very attractive.  I photographed them under the kitchen light and managed to get some bokeh for festive effect.  The Lensbaby was used today.

I've been gardening this afternoon, dead heading roses and cutting edges.  Doug mowed all the lawns.  Again*loud sigh*  its meant to rain for the remainder of the week, so good to get the section tidied up.  The roses are an ongoing job at this time of the year.


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