Watching you

After a great deal of sleep, both yesterday and last night, things are improving slowly. Needless to say, we had to put off looking after Luca today; fortunately Ruth was able to shift her work hours around so it didn't cause too many difficulties.
I revived enough, this morning, to get out the camera and poke it out of the back bedroom window at the bird feeders. I particularly like those moments when a bird stares straight back at you, perhaps trying to figure out whether it's time to fly off or whether it's OK to stay and feed. The extra is a blackbird, exploring the options down below. There was a wren too, finding something tasty in a tangle of vegetation under the feeders - but the light wasn't good enough to catch him/her.
I did a lateral flow test today, "just in case". It was negative.
How I feel for all those staff in the NHS, now being exhorted by Johnson and Javid to get all the boosters booked (if not done) by the end of this month. How can this be possible, given the extreme exhaustion among health staff, the staff shortages and the other winter pressures?

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