The Snowman (MM412)

UK blippers may remember a time when we had only three* (analogue) TV channels and then in 1982 Channel 4 came along and The Snowman was one of their Christmas programmes. 

We would have watched it with our children,  but by then the film itself would have been ~10 years old.  No doubt it will be watched again this Christmas,  even if James, the boy in the film, is now in his early 40s :-)

Yes - another of Gill's creations!
Thanks to Laurie 54 for hosting Mono Monday on the theme of Festive.

* Some of us are old enough to remember when there were only two analogue (405 line) TV channels in the UK.  BBC2 started in 1964 (625 line and in colour from 1967)  Just about everyone in the UK, old enough to remember this, claims to have been in the last family in their street to have BBC2 and/or colour TV :-)

Our daughter's GP practice had a meeting today to decide what they might drop or delay to allow more time and effort for vaccinations.
Cancelled their Christmas meal too.
Gill was due to have a scan one one of her feet tomorrow, but that has been cancelled & rearranged as the person operating the scanner is isolating with Covid
There was some good news though - we went to Waitrose, I didn't get irritated, Gill didn't have to push the trolley ... and ... there was no Christmas muzak.    Still in the game!

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